Sunday, October 9, 2011

San Francisco

 These are the houses that are in the shot in the opening song of Full House :)!

The park right in front of those houses has this care taker person or something that kept finding womens shoes and he felt too bad to throw them away so he kept them and planted plants in them! This was a long time ago so alot of shoes are super old and really neat.

 This is the store called The Nest where the owner goes all around the world and collects things to sell in this shop. This is where I got my Wayuu Bag from Africa. They are hand made by the Wayuu Tribe and alot of the profits go to them so it makes you feel good about spending so much money on a woven bag. My camera is dead so I can't upload the pictures of the bag right now but here are shots of the signs of the store.  the bag pics are below the picture of the sign Nest

Took a quick photo on my way out of the store cause I had spent so much time there already talking and browsing with the employee. They had the most amazing jewelry. This picture doesn't do the rest of the collection justice. You must check it out.
Gimme Shoes
 Gimme Shoes is a couple stores up from The Nest and the employee at The Nest had raved to me about how they have the best shoes in San Fran hands down. We got to the topic by our conversation about investing in expensive and well made things that will last a long time rather than a quick cheap buy on something cute. So yes these shoes are a bit pricey but they are made for style AND comfort.
Cutest oxfords EVER. I was speechless.
So I am going to get these in the brown color once I have enough saved up! They are as I told my bf "raindbows on steroids". They have a curve in the middle for foot arch support and over time they become even more fitted to your own foot. I can't wait for mine!

I didn't even capture all the different kinds of boots they
had in the store but every single pair was perfection and made of incredible quality.
I love these dark oxfords because they have a already scruffed up look to them. super cute.

just a stack of sweaters i saw in a window passing by. i love sweaters and i loved this display.

 This shop which says "Antique" above it wouldn't allow me to take pictures of the jewelry inside probably cause they have been having robberies on the street recently. It doesn't look like it form the outside and the cute assorted teacups kind of threw me off but inside its a splendor of vintage jewelry cluttered into two counters. It was the most amazing jewelry I've ever seen. I think SF may have the best vintage jewelry...

I love the cute tea cups they have collected in the window

 This is my first shot of "street style"! She immediately caught my eye first because she had this unique african inspired hat that she told me she literally just bought at a hat store around there. I'm in love with her maroon/purple tights and brown lace ups. It was adorable. Her whole outfit put together was so cute. with the black basics underneath a cute open coat. I loved it and she was amazing! Thank you for letting me take a picture of you! :)    p.s. look at the gigantic dog in the background lol he was half lab and half poodle and just abnormally huge.

 to conclude this post i added two pics of some cute houses in san francisco! seriously sf has really cute and unique houses

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