Saturday, October 8, 2011

San Francisco

(sorry if this doesn't make sense or if I make alot of mistakes, I have a horrible head cold and just took some niquil about thirty mins ago) So today I took alot of pictures in San Francisco. I don't have my cord to upload the pics from my camera with me so it'll have to wait till tomorrow when I get back home. I've been meaning to post that I will start to take pictures of people I see around me with really cute style, I guess I could call it street style but I don't really want to. I took my first today of this amazingly nice girl I'm so glad she didn't reject me hahah but really I was surprised that more people didn't dress so cool. The guys in San Fran dress sooooo dorky. I actually only saw two girls who had a cute outfit on and I only took a picture of the first one :)

So pictures coming soon will be of a couple stores I stopped in on Fillmore St. One was vintage jewelry and I wasn't permitted to take any pictures inside but I got a picture of the outside so if you ever visit or know anyone who is visiting SF they can pop in there and see the amazing collection that clutters the two counters in the tiny shop. Another store was a shoe store called Gimme Shoes and was recommended to me by this other store I went to and I'll talk about that in just a sec. Gimme Shoes was by far the best shoe store I have ever been in. I literally felt like I was in cute shoe heaven and the employees were absolutely the nicest people in shoe sales I've ever encountered. They let me take all the pictures I wanted so I'll be able to show you guys everything and explain more about the store :)! There was a store before that called "The Nest" and I guess my mom told me the owner collects things from all around the world and sells them there. I immediately spotted a Wayuu Bag and bought it on sale (its love). Anyway I'll explain more about that store as well when I post the pictures! The last place I would like to mention is this big thirft store that I didn't take any pictures of because the employees were actually really mean and I didn't bother anyway because theres nothing to take pictures of. But in the counter theres really cute jewelry that isn't second hand (sadly) so its a bit pricey for the quality honestly. I did get a necklace so I thought they deserved to at least get mentioned.

Thats all for now I suppose :)

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